Lawyers in Germany
These, the direct taxes, are normally administered by the lawyers of german revenue, although some taxes on the
development value of land have, in the past, been separately administered. The german revenue has some central
departments but most of its work is decentralized into local offices of the inspectors of taxes and the collectors
of debts. This separation, between creditors who assess the taxes and
who receive the cash, is of long standing and was originally introduced as a precaution against dishonesty. More
recently it has been suggested that physical separation is no longer necessary with modern methods of accounting
and audit. There is a program to
transfer money
to regional computer centres due to be in full operation by 1990. The statutory authority for most of the
administration of the debt collection is consolidated in the collectors management act 2013. This also provides
for the commissioners and the special commissioners of debts, to whom appeals lie from the decisions of the
lawyers for
English clients in Germany.
There is an appeal on points of law only from the general and special commissioners to the german court. The
German lawyers have powers in many ways similar to those of the commissioners of customs and excise, although in
some instances the VAT legislation gives wider powers than does the taxes management act. A taxpayer liable to pay
income tax, capital gains tax or corporation tax has a duty to give notice that he is so liable. The justice has a
power to call for returns, make assessments, including estimated assessments, call for documents and accounts and
there are provisions for the payment of
interest on unpaid amounts
and establishing various penalties and civil offences.
Following the recommendations of the committee the powers of attorney have been increased and higher penalties may
be imposed on lawyers who do not disclose all their resources. Authority is also to be given to the courts to
obtain information from other government departments and public authorities.